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Ellen, please be kind to the planet, not just to your fellow humans, gorillas in Rwanda

LUNCHTIME IN RWANDA: Ellen DeGeneres, right, and wife Portia de Rossi with a mountain gorilla. The Ellen DeGeneres Wildlife Fund  is supp...

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Christie and Trump voodoo budget plans intend to screw middle, working classes

From Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Steve Sack of the Minneapolis Star Tribune.



Is there really any mystery to Governor Christie's final budget address this afternoon?

Columnist Charles Stile seems to think so, as his long and tedious Page 1 column indicates (1A).

Is anyone bothering to turn to 7A for the rest of Stile's drivel?

As Staff Writer Salvador Rizzo reported on Monday's front page, Christie will propose his last budget "after years of missed revenue projections, credit-rating downgrades and failed reform efforts."

The state is broke for a number of reasons, including Christie repeatedly vetoing a tax surcharge on millionaires.

And today's lead story reports the GOP bully is actually taking away money from low-income women and children to pay for ads promoting a drug-addiction hotline and website (1A).

Can Christie go any lower after years of screwing state employees, teachers, minimum-wage workers and so many others?

Trump dump

The bad news in President Trump's proposed budget includes another $54 billion for the military and cuts in environmental protection, according to USA Today (1A).

A TV news report this morning said the Repubican "replacement" for the Affordable Care Act won't take effect until 2020.

Amid all the turmoil expected from Trump's budget address to Congress tonight, The Record is still re-hashing the mix-up at the Oscar ceremony in La La Land on Sunday night (Bill Ervolino on 1A, Better Living cover).

To the editor

Good for Ronald Barone, a Wyckoff resident, who says in a letter to the editor:

"Of all the laughable statements Donald Trump makes, one of the most ridiculous is that he inherited a mess" (8A).

Sadly, the editorial board of the Woodland Park daily, as well as some of its reporters and columnists, haven't made that point -- either at all or enough -- to counter all of Trump's lies during the presidential campaign and his first five weeks in office.