Ian Yarnold of the UK Department of Transport, right, and U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, a Democrat from Michigan, were part of a Capitol Hill panel discussing government regulation of self-driving cars.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Two-thirds of organ donations come from car crashes.
So, how will those donations be affected when self-driving cars rule the road and cut the number of crashes drastically?
Experts and government regulators discussed that question and others at a Capitol Hill panel discussion on Jan. 25.
The statistics flew:
In the United States, more than 35,000 people are killed in car crashes, and 2.7 million others are injured.
The cost of crashes was put at $980 billion.
Autonomous or self-driving cars are the biggest opportunity "to cut into the carnage," a panel member said.
But there are so many other potential consequences:
When self-driving cars make up a significant part of all vehicles on the road -- in 10 years to 15
years -- they are expected to put out of work millions of people employed as taxi, truck, limo and ride-sharing drivers.
A dramatic reduction in crashes also will send hundreds of thousands of insurance adjusters and body shop employees to the unemployment lines.
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